Day Seventeen/Eighteen: The Last Day(s)

Writing this post makes me so sad. It cant be real that my trip is already over, but don’t fret, I will have one more post following this one as a reflection on my trip, so those of you who have actually been keeping up with it can look forward to that. 🙂

Today was our free day and a group of us decided it would be really fun to go snorkeling. We woke up early and walked down to the marina to find out they were completely booked for the day. That’s fine. Not a problem. We still had the entire day ahead of us, so we hopped on a bus to Positano, a beach town on the Amafi Coast, and set off for a new adventure. 

That bus ride was an ordeal. Never have I been more motion sick in my life! Going up and down mountains and around curves in a large, over crowded, non-air conditioned bus while standing is a recipe for disaster, and that is just what we got. Most of our group got off the bus feeling a little worse for the wear, but once we saw the view and the beach we suddenly got better. 

Down the stairs we went toward the most beautiful blue water and beach. We rented some chairs and spent the day hanging out on the Amafi Coast. The water there is so clear you can be way out in the Sea and look down and still see your feet. It’s unreal. After we had been there several hours Rylea and I thought it would be fun to explore the coast a little more by renting a kayak. This was one of the best decisions we have ever made. We got to see so much that would not have been possible by just staying on the beach. I looked off the side and could see all the way to the bottom. I would look behind me and see the most picturesque view. Truly an amazing experience. We got tired and headed back to the beach where we layed out and burned for the rest of the afternoon. Luckily it turned into a nice tan, and my Chaco tan and watch tan are coming along very nicely. 

We headed back to Sorrento around 5 o’clock and then had a wonderful seafood dinner a few hours later. Of course I ended my trip the way it started, with gelato. My only regret is that I didn’t get the next size up. I finished my last real night in Italy shopping around and exploring down town Sorrento. 

Unfortuanly we left beautiful Sorrento at 8:15 the next morning to go to our hotel in Rome. Our hotel is right by the airport, but not by anything else, so we are stuck here for the day. I was really bummed that I was spending my last day in Italy in a hotel, but as always this group made the most of the situation and we had a little PLC pool party which was so relaxing, and probably what we needed. 

My wake up call is bright and early at 4:47AM to catch a shuttle to the airport, and then I will be Dallas bound. I’m ready to be back, see my people, sleep in my bed, and eat a hamburger (My first meal back will be In-N-Out, I just decided this). These last three weeks have been a dream, but I might be ready to wake up.

Ciao for now, 


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